Bitcoin singing devices must check the…
Bitcoin singing devices must check the firmware signature at boot.
Not enough users check every download, NO user will check
"Gold all time high, Silver all…
"Gold all time high, Silver all time high, Stock market all time high, House prices all time high, BTC
"Twitter or Facebook don't have…
"Twitter or Facebook don't have all the replies either, you can't see Twitter replies on
Every time I chat with @fiatjaf…
Every time I chat with @fiatjaf and his mic works, i get even more optimistic about Nostr. My understanding window
NgU is integral to bitcoin's…
NgU is integral to bitcoin's design.
Diminishing the monetary incentives is to diminish bitcoin.…
Bitcoin's Protection under the First…
Bitcoin's Protection under the First Amendment - Ross Stevens…
Just discovered Archive on signal groups.
Just discovered Archive on signal groups.
Deep clean up 🧹…
Need a telegram bot that replies…
Need a telegram bot that replies to DMs with signal username than blocks the contact 😂…
The original FOSS mission.
The original FOSS mission.…
A bitcoin signer shouldn't have…
A bitcoin signer shouldn't have a full Linux stack, high speed lines and a user table.
More complexity
Bitcoin is not return on capital,…
Bitcoin is not return on capital, it's return OF capital.
I really dislike telegram. Always have.
I really dislike telegram. Always have.…
Testing this tomorrow, the commitment to…
Testing this tomorrow, the commitment to staying outdoor intensifies.…
FOSS Drama => Spot the Fed
FOSS Drama => Spot the Fed…