Brazil has 200,000,000 people,…
Brazil has 200,000,000 people, it's a country where ppl are heavily on facebook (preciously on Orkut
Multi-vendor architecture it's the…
Multi-vendor architecture it's the only sane path forward 🔒🔒🔒…
Be the content you want to…
Be the content you want to see…
Buh who is going to run…
Buh who is going to run the #Nostr relays, has the same vibe as buh who is going to build
What issues do you encounter when using nostr?…
JS8Call is crazy busy today, what'…
JS8Call is crazy busy today, what's up? #HamRadio
The QSO party is on the 14th…
New cheat code, the UX/manual…
New cheat code, the UX/manual horribleness of some of the best devices that you set once are no longer
Wow, it's been a minute!
Wow, it's been a minute!…
Forget what you know about camping,…
Forget what you know about camping, 10 years using these. They are great. Papa Smurf is the GOAT.
Not enough care and attention goes…
Not enough care and attention goes into TCP/IP-less comms.…
Alot of sailors and remote expeditions…
Alot of sailors and remote expeditions depend on , would be so cool if we had a similar network for Bitcoin.
#NostrHam is growing faster than the…
#NostrHam is growing faster than the SWR as the sun rises.…
All I want is Yaesu or…
All I want is Yaesu or Icom to make a headless Ethernet based 100w HF rig.
Don't build