Bitcoin is now mainstream and still…
Bitcoin is now mainstream and still cypherpunk.
Never before in modern times people had the fortune to choose their level
The bitcoin CEO is most often…
The bitcoin CEO is most often unavailable…
Elon removed the #Bitcoin hashtag icons.…
Elon removed the #Bitcoin hashtag icons. 🌎🧑🚀🔫🧑🚀…
It's only getting better 😂
It's only getting better 😂…
It's a fucking horrible app…
It's a fucking horrible app and they removed the downgrade option making ppl trapped with half their system
I think people are very excited…
I think people are very excited about a mainstream company with 70M users creating a bitcoin offering.
But I also
On the plus side, every company…
On the plus side, every company will be a bitcoin company.
There is no ignoring bitcoin.…
Privacy exaggerations are the new currency.
Privacy exaggerations are the new currency.…
If you are a SDR-Control…
If you are a SDR-Control user, make sure to let the maintainer know you'd love to see
This. Having to create or give…
This. Having to create or give away emails drives me nuts.…
"Scaling LLMs to get us to…
"Scaling LLMs to get us to AGI like we scaled internal combustion engines to reach lightspeed." - @halvarflake…
History: registration => confiscation…
You can get into HF amateur…
You can get into HF amateur radio for 100 bucks these days. Checkout this kit form QRPlabs…
"If you can put up a…
"If you can put up a dipole, put up a dipole"…
Radio waves are remarkable, always amazed…
Radio waves are remarkable, always amazed humans have figured out ways to participate in the universe like this.…
Brutal, band goes to shit just…
Brutal, band goes to shit just as you are trying to test a new amp.
Spot the nerd, hello Brussels.
Spot the nerd, hello Brussels.…