Satoshi doesn't mater.
Satoshi doesn't mater.
We are thankful for his invention, but the best inventions supersede the inventor.…
This was my bitcoin moment.
This was my bitcoin moment.…
2k ppl using now,…
2k ppl using now, I think there is a market for real-open-ai
And we haven'
If we went to Text Only…
If we went to Text Only Email there would be world peace within two weeks.
Kill HTML emails with fire.
COLDCARD Q v0.0.6 beta
COLDCARD Q v0.0.6 beta
bugfix: randomize keys for PIN entry
when picking files, we just skip to showing
This was a banger. @calle 👁️⚡👁️ @Carman…
This was a banger. @calle 👁️⚡👁️ @Carman @PABLOF7z 🤙…
As the fees go up, ppl…
As the fees go up, ppl realize that bitcoin base layer is only for wire-transfer-like economical transactions. Plebs
Note threads shouldn't exist. 1/…
Note threads shouldn't exist. 1/4
Note threads shouldn't exist. 2/4
Note threads shouldn'
Great thread. Follow Matthew!
Great thread. Follow Matthew!…